Friday, August 5, 2011

“How do I evaluate my performance in Bio I and what are my goals for this year?”

In my sophmore year of high school, I decided to take the IB BIOI class. The grade I earned at the end of the year was a B-. Some people said my grade was not that bad. In my opinion, I could've done better, and that is exactly what I plan to do in the IB BIO II class on my junior year. My goal in my IB BIO II class is to pass the class with better grades than last year. Part of the reason why I got that grade last year was probaly because I didn't revise my labs before turning them in. The problem with this was that most of them had errors I had forgoten to fix or that I hadn't noticed them because I did not check my lab before turning it in. This year, I plan to double check all of my labs in order to ensure they do not have any type of errors. Also, when it came to a test, I would study for it, but not as much as I should. Then, on the day of the test, I wouldn't get the grade I wanted to. Again, I will correct this on my junior year by dedicating as much time as I need to prepare for my test. By doing all of the above, I will achieve my goal for the class this year and get better grades than last year.

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